
Mingo Swamp Friends is a non-profit organization and independent group of conservationists and outdoor enthusiasts dedicated to supporting the primary purposes of the Mingo National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge was established by the U.S. Congress in 1944 to provide food and shelter for migratory waterfowl and to conserve and protect 21,592 acres of bottomland and upland forests of the Mingo Basin and Mingo Wilderness Area.

"There are some who can live without wild things, and some who cannot...."

                                                                                                                     Aldo Leopold, Sand County Almanac (1949)

Mingo Swamp Friends are mission partners with the Refuge.  Our primary purpose is to carry out mandates for the conservation of natural and cultural resources,fostering of compatible wildlife-dependent recreation, and for the preservation of the Mingo Wilderness. We achieve our mission as leaders in conservation by promoting scientific, educational, volunteer, and fundraising activities for the benefit of the refuge and helping refuge management provide for six priority uses in recreation: hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, wildlife photography, environmental education, and interpretation of the resources. 

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